
Case Study: Media Steaming Device Manufacturer

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Digital Marketing


Media Steaming Device Manufacturer


Work Overview:

A pioneering digital media streaming device manufacturer struggled with brand visibility, limited search volumes, and a lack of demand.

  1. Establish brand visibility and market leadership for the pioneering digital media streaming device in an emerging market landscape.
  2. Overcome the challenges of limited search volumes and lack of demand for the pioneering product.
  3. Create awareness and interest among potential customers to convert traffic into sales.


The strategy involved using industry keywords to establish a link between the product and the target market, developing sales through a discover-and-learn approach. This included launching paid search campaigns, identifying keyword demand, developing content for SEO, and creating awareness to convert traffic to sales.


The campaign successfully created brand awareness in a competitive market, achieved 200% year-over-year growth, managed successful product launches, and established the brand as a market leader with a positive ROAS.

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